Ruh oh! We're sorry!!!!

If you're experiencing technical difficulties, here's what to do:

1) Try using a different internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.)

From our 3+ years servicing online customers, this simple solution works 90%+ of the time. PLEASE try this before submitting a ticket.

More likely than not, this will be the fastest way for you to submit your order.

We know it doesn't make sense... and most browsers should behave the same... but there are tiny idiosyncrasies based on every computer's setup, browser extensions, and apps running in the background that can affect how a particular browser renders a page.

2) Let us know!

We are soooo thankful to customers who help us discover bugs or typos in our website. With your help, we are able to make a superior customer experience for everyone. You guys rock!

If you help us find a bug, we'll give you a $20 Petsies gift card.

Please email us a screenshot of the error and any information about how you got to the error to [email protected].